“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”  

St Teresa of Calcutta

PARISHES  If your parish is looking to become a missionary community, reaching out to those on the margins we can support you.

Helping identify the needs  in your local community, support with project initiation and development, volunteer recruitment and management, fundraising, forming partnerships and monitoring and evaluation. Projects are run by parishes and supported by Caritas, where and when you need us.

We would be delighted to visit your parish to meet with the PPC/evangelisation committee (or equivalent), run a workshop or speak at Mass about our work, please get in touch so we can arrange a date.

For more information about projects running in parishes, visit our parishes page.

Email us at  caritas@portsmouthdiocese org.uk or phone 07825513195

SCHOOLS  If you are looking for opportunities to embed Catholic Social Teaching deeper into your school life contact us to see what opportunities we can offer. We are currently working with a number of schools to develop social action projects where the students play a key role in deciding on the project and seeing it through to fruition. Visit our Schools,  Biodiversity and Tree Planting pages for some examples.

VOLUNTEER   If you would like to donate your time, energy and skills to support Caritas we’d love to hear from you! There are a number of opportunities available.

Caritas Ambassadors. We are recruiting both Social Action and Environmental Ambassadors to provide the key links between Caritas and parishes/pastoral areas as well as building a network able to respond quickly to urgent or emerging needs.

Read more about the Caritas Social Action Ambassador

Caritas Ambassador Role Description

We are currently recruiting Caritas Community Representatives where you would have the opportunity to represent Caritas in you own parish. This is a critical role and we would welcome your support.

Like to help at events? Part of our plan is to offer everyone in the diocese the opportunity to learn more about the specific need areas such as social isolation, refugees and homelessness. We plan to hold both in person and online events across the area and it is really helpful to have  Event Volunteers who can help run them.

We have a great school programme developing and need School Volunteers  to support the Project Development Officers set up and maintain projects. We work in both secondary and primary schools and there are opportunities to help across the diocese.

We’d also be delighted to hear from people who can support us with social media, website updates, administration, fundraising, teaching English or project development.

For a Volunteering poster for parishes visit the parish resources page. 

For more information and to apply email [email protected]

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” 

St Teresa of Calcutta