Welcome to Caritas Portsmouth

Caritas Portsmouth supports parishes, schools and groups across the diocese to reach out to those on the margins to share the love and mercy of God in practical ways.

Guided by the words of Pope Francis in Laudato Si’, our work combines the themes of social and environmental justice as we hear and respond to ‘both the cry of the earth and cry of the poor.”

To stay up to date with Caritas Portsmouth sign up to our newsletter.


Anti-Slavery Week

Anti-Slavery week runs from 14th-20th October and we have invited Stevie Waight from the Medaille Trust to come to the next online Caritas networking lunch (12:30-1pm Tuesday 15th October)  to explain more about Modern Slavery, how to spot the signs and what to do as well as the Move On Project she runs to support the victims.

There are around 50 million people trapped in slavery around the world and 122,000 in the UK so this is something that is found in all our communities. Pope Francis urges us to walk in the footsteps of St Bakhita who was sold as a child into slavery and was a victim of traffickers. “Saint Bakhita encourages us to open our eyes and ears to see those who go unseen and to hear those who have no voice, to acknowledge the dignity of each person, and to fight trafficking and all forms of exploitation

You can register for the event and if you have any questions, please contact Jenny at [email protected]. You can download an Modern Slavery spot the signs poster here.

Autumn Newsletter

The Autumn issue of the Caritas Portsmouth  newsletter is now out. You can read a copy here

To receive this straight into you in box you can sign up here. 

Becoming the Church Beyond Walls 

The Church Beyond Walls Workshop is a interactive session to help your parish start exploring the needs in your local community and deciding how to respond to them. Following the See-Choose-Act pathway it is an opportunity to focus on getting to know your neighbourhood and the specific opportunities it offers for engagement and outreach using the gifts and resources of people in your parish. 

Based on the goals of the 10 year mission plan You Will Be My Witnesses, the workshop includes

  •  The opportunity to answer the question ‘what does poverty look like in this parish/pastoral area?’ examining what poverty is, and what is it’s impact
  • A mapping exercise to identify examples of social outreach already present
  • Identifying the most pressing needs and ways to respond in line with Catholic Social Teaching

This workshop is suitable for small parish groups or wider pastoral areas so if you would like to find out more or book a session,  please contact us at [email protected]


How to get involved

two masked volunteers are packing food into paper bags for guests to take away with them
a preson clasping hands which are resting on top of an open book
glass jar laying on its side with coins spilling out