Modern Slavery

Tackling Modern Slavery

There are an estimated 122,000 victims of Modern Slavery in the UK and one in four are children. Modern Slavery is where victims are exploited for someone else’s gain and can take many forms including trafficking of people, forced labour and servitude.

The most common industries that people are used in include domestic service, building / agricultural labour, sex industry, drug industry, care sector, car washes and nail bars. It also includes organ harvesting, particularly kidneys and liver, and newly emerging is the harvesting of eggs from women.

We all have a part to play in ending modern slavery and it is key to be aware of the potential signs. Looking out for physical signs of abuse, whether someone has their own ID, is uncommunicative, works long hours, is not dressed in work or weather appropriate clothing and is unfamiliar with where they are. Download this  poster  with more details to be put up in your parish. Each sign on its own may not necessarily mean someone is a victim of modern slavery, but a few together are a strong indicator something is not right.

Occasionally someone will have the opportunity to escape. If this happens, they may approach someone on the street or find somewhere they consider safe like a church. They’ll want help now and this is a case for calling 999.

If you just have a suspicion, it is better to call 101, the Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline 08000 121 700 or Salvation Army 0800 808 3733. They can advise and as experts, know how to deal with a situation that does not put the victim in danger. It is usually better not to approach a potential victim directly as this can put them at greater risk.

Another way we can help, is supporting victims who are now free to build their confidence by accompanying them to groups and activities in the community.  Even when rescued, victims can be vulnerable to falling back into exploitative situations. Perhaps your parish already hosts a social group that could safely welcome someone trying to rebuild their life. If you would like to help, please get in touch at [email protected].

For more information on Modern Slavery, visit the Medaille Trust website.