Cost of Living Support
Increasing Cost of Living
There are a number of ways we can support people who are struggling with the costs of living. Within parishes, there will be opportunities to support local foodbanks, open as warm and/or social spaces, provide hot food and signpost people to support agencies that can help. These will be unique to each area, but click on the link below to find a list of national agencies and links to local council cost of living support pages
Pension Credit Flyer October 2024
Keep an eye on friends and neighbours too, and especially for a change in behaviour. People who are struggling financially often try and hide it, yet it impacts almost every part of their life. If someone becomes withdrawn and isolated, just check in with them – and if you invite them for a coffee, make sure they know it is your treat upfront
If you are considering opening as a warm space, hosting a social club for potentially vulnerable people or providing hot food, contact us at [email protected]. We have some tips and guidance on how to get started ad we may beable to put you in touch with a parish who is already doing something similar.